Done With Diligence

Perfect Travel Kit: Homeopathic Remedies for Moms to Carry

purse and homeopathy kit on road

Don’t leave home without it!  That’s definitely my motto when it comes to homeopathic medicines.  The truth is, there is a very limited selection of homeopathy in most pharmacies.  If a mom isn’t prepared, needs WILL arise, and she’ll be forced to use whatever conventional medicines she can get her hands on.  Since I want to avoid that scenario, I’ve created a little travel kit that I keep in my diaper bag or purse.  I can’t count the number of times it has saved the day.  So, let’s get to it.  I want to show you exactly what I keep with me whenever we leave the house.

I must remind you that I am not a medical professional and this is not professional medical advice.  Consider this a conversation between 2 mom friends.  Seek a medical professional when it makes sense to do so.  Do your own research, and be diligent!  Affiliate links are included in my list below.  You can read more about my affiliate policy here.

The Homeopathic Remedies a Mom Should Always Carry

This list of remedies was carefully chosen to help me be prepared for most emergency situations.  Yes, it is my first aid kit, but it’s so much more than that.  I’ve also added in a few additional remedies for common ailments that my family faces.  The benefit of putting your own kit together versus purchasing a pre-assembled kit from a homeopathic pharmacy is that you can customize it for your family.  So, use this list as a launchpad to get your wheels turning, but be ready to tweak it for your own needs.


clock with aconite

Homeopaths usually recommend Aconite (also known as Aconitum Napellus) at the onset of any illness.  Whether it be a cold, a cough, an earache, or a fever…I try to always give a dose of Aconite at the first sign of the illness.  Professional Homeopath Miranda Castro says to use Aconite when, “Onset of complaint sudden”.  She also points out that Aconite is only useful during the first 24-28 hours of most illnesses.  Aconite can also be useful for shock (source: The Complete Homeopathy Book).

Allium Cepa

boy with watery nose and allium cepa

Allium Cepa must be within arms reach for my family during allergy season.  Burning eyes, watery nose, and other similar symptoms of allergies can be addressed with Allium Cepa (source: Boericke’s Materia Medica)


bee with apis

Apis is made from a honeybee.  I’ve been amazed to watch it work to provide significant calming and pain relief after wasp and bee stings WITHIN SECONDS. The first time the relief came so quickly that I thought it must be a fluke, but since then, I’ve witnessed it multiple times with multiple children.  Since you never know when a sting will happen, it’s good to keep Apis handy.  And Homeopath Joette Calabrese points out in her Gateway to Homeopathy 1 book, “Homepathic Apis might not be given exclusively for bee stings, but also for step throat, urinary tract infections, boils, and many other maladies that present with symptoms similar to those resulting from the sting of a honeybee.”  When we reflect on the homeopathic principle of “Like Cures Like”, it makes sense that Apis could be helpful with many forms of  redness, heat, and swelling.  If the cold application of an icepack seems comforting to the injured spot, Apis might be a good choice.


boy with bruised head and arnica

Arnica is so versatile, that it simply must have a spot in your travel bag!  Homeopath Dana Ullman points out in Homeopathy for Infants and Children that Arnica is useful for shock and trauma of injury.  It is also helpful for bruising, hemorrhaging, muscle soreness, and head injuries.  Ullman also mentions that Arnica can reduce pain and swelling, so think about falls, black eyes, and such.  Many homeopaths even suggest using Arnica immediately after car accidents while waiting for help to arrive. Accidents happen when we least expect them, so I want to always have Arnica in my bag.

Arsenicum Album

bottle of poison with arsenicum album

When I think of poisoning, I think of Arsenicum Album. It is made from the mineral arsenic trioxide.  The National Center for Homeopathy points out that it can be helpful for food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, or general upset stomach.  Some people even find that it helps with stomach upsets due to motion sickness. For any type of potential poisoning, I would think of Arsenicum Album.


boy with fever and belladonna

Belladonna is such a versatile remedy.  Homeopath Dana Ullman points out that it can help with fever, headaches, earaches, pink eye, sore throats, and more (Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants- page 158)Hot, dry, throbbing, or stabbing are all indicators that Belladonna might be helpful.


girl with earache and chamomilla

Chamomilla is known for its calming effect.  Homeopath Miranda Castro mentions its usefulness with teething, toothaches, insomnia, and more.  The main reason I keep it with me is for its amazing performance when paired with Belladonna to treat a sudden earache.  If your kiddos are prone to sudden earaches, you need to read about how this duo has helped us overcome them fast!

Calendula Ointment

boy with bleeding knee and calendula

Cut?  Scrapes? Open Wounds? I’m reaching for my Calendula! The National Homeopathy Center simply states that, “Calendula is one of homeopathy’s most helpful remedies for complaints of the skin.” I think every Mama better keep this homeopathic remedy handy.


girl with sunburn and cantharis

Cantharis is usually associated with burns.  Gateway to Homeopathy points out that it can be useful for sunburns, first degree skin burns (alternate with Aconite), burning from a UTI, and diarrhea that burns (page 98).


girl coughing with drosera

Drosera is usually recommended for dry coughs that come with a feeling of choking or a tickling in the throat.  I love Drosera because it typically works very fast for us!

Hypericum Perf

boy with hurt finger and hypericum

Hypericum is a fantastic pain reliever, especially when nerve pain is involved.  Think about little fingers that got caught in the door or toes that got injured.  It can also help with toothaches, eye injuries, back pain, and more! (source: Gateway to Homeopathy, page 89)


Histaminum is part the allergy plan for out whole family, and I’m so thankful for it.  Itchy nose, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose…I’ll grab my Histaminum fast! You can read more about that allergy plan here.


boy with headache and gelsemium

Gelsemium can be an appropriate remedy for colds and flus, but I keep it on hand because it is my go-to headache medicine!

Hepar Sulph

boy coughing with hepar sulph

Some people call Hepar Sulph the “homeopathic antibiotic”.  It can help with colds, earaches, croup, cough, sore throat or many other issues. (source: Ullman, Homepathic Medicine for Children and Infants)


boy coughing with ipec

Ipec is yet another cough remedy in my bag.  Coughs can be tricky, so I like to have a few options with me.  The key indicators for Ipec are “nagging and gagging”.  The coughs that need Ipec often make you vomit after a coughing fit.  Or they may gag you so much that your are gasping for air between cough.  (source: Joette Calabrese)


arm with mosquito bite and ledum

When it comes to bites, stings, and punctures, Homeopath Joette Calabreese (Gateway to Homeopathy page 87) encourages us to consider Ledum. She goes on to mention insect bites, animal bites, and stepping on a rusty nail. Anytime the skin has puncture wounds, whether a large or small puncture, she recommends Ledum.  I often give Ledum after mosquito bites, as it relieves itching and swelling fast.  And many homeopaths suggest that Ledum may help prevent complications from mosquito-borne or tick-borne illness.  You can read more about my family’s full tick plan here

Kali Bich

boy with runny nose and kali bich

Kali Bich is great for green, stringy, ropey, thick mucus (source:  Ullman page 122). My kids need Kali Bich with most colds.  I also think that it is the best remedy for post nasal drip.

Mag Phos

man with sore shoulder muscle and mag phos

Mag Phos is great for muscle cramps!  We’ve used it for growing pains in the legs, menstrual cramps, and many other issues with tight, spasmodic muscles.  You’ll often know Mag Phos is needed if pressure or bending over helps (source: Boericke’s Materia Medica)

Nux Vomica

boy holding stomach with nux vomica

This one is easy to remember as you can see “vomit” in its name. “When dealing with a gastrointestinal illness, think Nux Vomica,” says Joette Calabrese (source: Gateway to Homeopathy page 90). Nux Vomica can help with tummy issues of any kind.  But Joette also points out its helpfulness when someone has overindulged in sweets or other foods.  She further explains its helpfulness when exposed to poison like food-poisoning, botulism, and even pesticides.

Nat Phos

girl with gas pain and nat phos

Nat Phos can come in handy for heartburn, gas after eating, burping, hiccups, and even bloating.  It works quickly, too!


baby with snot and pulsatilla

Pulsatilla is a great remedy if you have small children (especially girls!).  When I see a snotty nose with green or yellow mucus, I think of Pulsatilla for my littlest ones.


boy coughing with spongia

Another cough remedy!  Spongia is a good match for dry, barking coughs that sound like a saw going through wood.  (source: Homeopathy Plus)

FAQ’s about a Homeopathy Travel Kit

Q. Do you keep it in your car or purse?

A. My kit currently lives in my diaper bag.  But when I’m not in my diaper bag season, I carry it in my purse. 

Q. Do you ever leave it in a hot car?

A.  While, in a perfect world, I would protect my remedies from extreme temps, that doesn’t always happen.  Sometimes, my travel bag is left in the hot car!

Q. Have you ever taken your remedies on a plane?

A. Yes!  I’ve had them in both my carry-on and my check luggage.  I’ve never had any issues at security checkpoints. Just remember to only keep pellets in your carry-on.  If you have any homeopathic remedies in liquid form, keep them in your checked luggage.

Q. How important is a travel kit?

A.  It’s so very important!  If we were lucy enough to have homeopathic pharmacies in our town, maybe it wouldn’t be so imperative.  However, you simply can’t buy most remedies out and about, so you’d better take them with you and be prepared.

Q.  Where did you get your portable storage case?

A. Mine came from Etsy.  They have many cute options in many different sizes!

Want to know more about Homeopathy and Natural Remedies? Visit my Remedy with Diligence page!

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