Done With Diligence

Remedy with Diligence

Bottles of homeopathic remedies surrounded by plants

Basic Facts Everyone Should Know about Homeopathy: Is it Safe? Is it Effective? Is it Legal?

If you are curious about homeopathy and how it can help treat your family when they are sick, keep reading!  I’m going to share a few things everybody should know about homeopathy. 1. What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is an FDA-regulated medicine that is created by taking substances from nature such as plants, animals, and minerals. 

Basic Facts Everyone Should Know about Homeopathy: Is it Safe? Is it Effective? Is it Legal? Read More »

Mom taking temperature of sick child

Stock Your Natural Medicine Cabinet: What You Need to Have on-Hand to Treat Your Sick Kids at Home

Want to be prepared to treat illnesses at home and avoid the doctor’s office?  Preparation is key!  By having these 6 things on hand, you’ll be ready for most anything! (Please remember that I am not a medical professional. I’m just a mom sharing what has helped my family. I am not advising you to

Stock Your Natural Medicine Cabinet: What You Need to Have on-Hand to Treat Your Sick Kids at Home Read More »

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