Done With Diligence

Blueberry Almond Flour Muffins: Healthy, Easy, and Kid-Approved!

blueberry muffins on cooling rack

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Need a healthy, easy, kid-approved healthy muffin recipe?  Blueberry muffins are always a winner! Try this recipe full of real, antioxidant rich blueberries, healthy fats from coconut oil, and protein-packed, nutrient-dense almond flour.  What a great way to start a healthy day!

Why Moms Will Love These Healthy Blueberry Almond Flour Muffins

I love a no-brainer recipe!  Just throw everything in the mixer, stir it up, scoop it into muffin pans, and bake.  This healthy muffin recipe is really that simple!  And to make it a little easier, make sure you pick up some silicone muffin pans. With the silicone pans, you can skip the muffin liners. This avoids the dreaded muffin-sticking-to- the-liner dilemma.  It also makes it easier for little hands to eat them independently. Furthermore, if you want set your family up to be able to grab-and-go, pre-portion the muffins out into little sandwich bags and have them waiting in a basket in the pantry.

Aside from making mornings easier, these muffins also make your mornings much healthier.  You’re starting the day off with all sorts of goodness!  Consider the following benefits found in this recipe:

  • Protein- Good sources of protein are baked in these muffins, including whole milk, almond flour, and eggs.  Protein is so important for muscle development, and it also helps you stay full.
  • Healthy Fats- The coconut oil and milk bring along healthy fats.  Monosaturated fats are important for brain function, absorption of nutrients and mineral, and even help promote heart health.
  • Antioxidants- Blueberries are a high antioxidant food.  Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body. 
  • Anti-inflammatory- Cinnamon and honey work together to pack an anti-inflammatory punch, and your whole body will thank you!

Now think back on that cereal and poptart we mentioned earlier…are they doing anything along these lines to promote health?  Um, no.

Why Kids Will Love These Healthy Blueberry Almond Flour Muffins

Kids are going to love these healthy muffins because they are yummy!  Not only do they make a great breakfast, but my kids will grab them for snacks. Any foods that don’t require a plate and utensils are usually crowd favorites at my house! Even my one-year-old can feed these muffins to herself, which makes them extra appealing. I like to pile them up on my Shatterproof Cake Stand so that they can easily see a ready-and-waiting snack option.

How Do These Blueberry Almond Flour Muffins Compare to the Store-Bought Version?

Chart comparing store-bought mini muffins to homemade blueberry muffins.

You may have seen the pre-packaged mini muffins available at the grocery store.  While at a glance, they may appear to be about the same as these muffins, a quick look into the ingredients will show some major differences.  In the Little Debbie version, you’ll find 19 grams of sugar.  That’s equivalent to more than 4 ½ tsp of sugar.  In fact, sugar is the very first ingredient listed on the package, meaning the package contains more of that ingredient than anything else! You’ll also find soybean oil, which is a highly inflammatory seed oil. Enriched Bleached Flour is also one of the main ingredients, which is a highly processed product.  And I just have to wonder…they claim to use real blueberries, but how many days/weeks/months has it been since those blueberries were actually growing on a bush?  Not to mention that blueberries are on the EWG’s Dirty Dozen list, meaning the conventional version is one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits available.  Pretty sure that Little Debbie is NOT using organic blueberries in her recipe!!

Making Blueberry Almond Flour Muffins for Kids

So, all things considered, it really is worth a little bit of your time to whip up a batch of these healthy muffins for your kids! If you want to be REALLY ambitious, go ahead and double or triple your recipe.  The muffins freeze really well, so you can just pull from your freezer on busy weeks. If you have toddlers, consider making mini-muffin size instead of full size. Not only is it easier for their little hands, but you’ll also end up with less half-eaten muffins. And don’t forget about bagging them up ahead of time in sandwich bags. It really helps when you’re on the go!


  • 2 eggs (farm fresh, free-range is best)
  • 1/3 cup local honey
  • 1 tbsp. stevia
  • 2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 cup milk (raw, whole is best)
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 4 tsp. baking powder
  • dash of salt (pink Himalayan)
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 2 cups organic all-purpose flour
  • dash of cinnamon
  • 1 1/4 cup frozen organic blueberries


  1. Mix all ingredients well.
  2. Pour into silicone muffin pan.
  3. Bake at 375 degrees for 18 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool, then pop out of muffin pan
  5. Store in air-tight container in refrigerator for up to a week.

Want more healthy recipes? Be sure to visit my Nourish with Diligence page!


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